Tag: resilience
Grit: The Unrelenting Power of Passion and Perseverance Do you ever wonder what sets high-achievers apart from the rest? What is the secret sauce that allows some people to excel despite seemingly insurmountable challenges? Well, it turns out that intelligence and natural talent alone aren’t the only keys to success. There’s a psychological trait known as “grit” that plays a pivotal role in achieving one’s goals. Grit is the unyielding…
The Enigmatic Allure of the World’s Most Remote Inhabited Places Far from the hustle and bustle of modern life, there exist hidden corners of the Earth where communities have chosen to settle and thrive, each with their own unique stories and captivating charms. Here, we explore the geography, history, and culture of some of the most remote inhabited places on Earth, offering a glimpse into the lives of people…
A mentally healthy life in the “new norm” by visualizing a new world Imagine a world that has weathered a colossal storm, leaving in its wake a landscape that requires adaptation and rebuilding. The COVID-19 pandemic is that storm, and our mental health is the landscape in need of repair. As the clouds begin to part, we must forge new paths to navigate the post-pandemic world. Let’s embark on a…
Achieving Optimal Health: A Comprehensive Guide to the Health Triangle Model A Holistic Approach to Health When discussing health and wellness, it is essential to consider more than just physical health. In fact, total health encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being, as represented by the “Health Triangle” model (Everyday Learning Corporation, 1999). The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes this holistic approach by defining health as “a state of complete physical,…